Thai Air Laws - Ground School in ENGLISH
The Course Mirrors the UK CAA Commercial Drone Pilot License – PfCO / GVC
Price: £150.00
Release Date: January 2021
Commercial Drone Pilot Training
In anticipation of the soon to arrive CAAT Thai Commercial Drone Pilots Licence, Safety Works are now delivering a Commercial Drone Pilot Certificate of Competence via our online training portal. The training is to current UK CAA commercial drone pilot standards
The courses are available in either Thai or English language
We will soon deliver face to face sessions at our training centres in Sri Racha or Songkhla.
Safety Works are proud to work in collaboration with MOGIT / TPTI – the Premier Oil & Gas Training providers in Thailand which is where we will hold the face to face and practical sessions
The Full Certificate of Competence is achieved by successfully passing both elements below:
Part 1 Theory Course & Examination. With a pass mark of 80% or above
Part 2 Practical Flight Tests & Scenarios
If your wish you can just enrol on the Part 1 online course and you will receive the Part 1 Certificate. The Part 1 theory examination is also taken online
Part 2 Practical Tests will take place initially in Sri Racha & Songkhla @ MOGIT / TPTI’s training facilities
Accommodation is available onsite at the Sri Racha training facility – 650 baht single occupancy or 950 baht 2 persons sharing per night
Course Outline
8 core modules that mirror the UK CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) commercial pilot license
Each module contains stimulating reading materials, videos and end of module theory tests. The videos have English or Thai subtitles and/or English or Thai voiceovers dependent upon which language you choose.
You will be taught to understand and apply the following knowledge:
1. Thai Air Laws & Responsibilities
2. RPA Airspace Operating Principles
3. Airmanship & Aviation Safety
4. Human Factors – Performance & Limitations
5. Meteorology
6. Navigation Charts
7. Aircraft Knowledge & Batteries
8. Operating Procedures
1. Thai Air Laws & Responsibilities
This is the most important part to explain about the regulation of using drone in each country you stay as well as how to do the best practice on how operate drone responsively. Including Thai Air Law and Regulation. No fly zone in Thailand and how to get permission to fly.
2. RPA Airspace Operating Principles
At first glance it can appear daunting. Even though drones normally operate in the bottom 90 metres of airspace you’ll need to know what happens above and beyond your flying area. Things like controlled airspace, danger areas, prohibited areas and restricted areas. There are lots of acronyms to get to grips with such as FIR, ATZ, MATZ, CTR and AIAA but we’ll make it as fun and pain free as we can.
3. Airmanship & Aviation Safety
There’s a lot of ground to cover but it includes procedures for operating safely. We tell you why it’s important to take pride in how you fly and why you should pay close attention to planning.
4. Human Factors – Performance & Limitations
The vital part of the syllabus but it’s one that students are surprised to see listed. Then they hear about the adverse effects of tiredness, alcohol and medication. Even cold weather, excessive workload, distractions from clients and spectators or working on your own can put a drone pilot under pressure – pressure that could lead to an accident.
5. Meteorology
We’ll teach you how to get a forecast that’s suited to drone flying and how to interpret it correctly. We’ll also tell you about aircraft icing, turbulence, and wind gradients and how the area in which you’re flying can have a dramatic effect on local conditions.
6. Navigation Charts
Just because your drone has a built in GPS doesn’t mean you needn’t worry about navigation. There’s a whole section of our course devoted to good old-fashioned maps and charts and the limitations of GPS. If you haven’t seen an aviation chart before you’ll be surprised how much 3-dimensional data is crammed into a two-dimensional space and most of it is vitally important for safe flight planning.
7. Aircraft Knowledge & Batteries
It contains a lot of components and complex systems which you need to understand. Things like Inertial Measurement Units, Power Management Units, Accelerometers and Electronic Speed Controllers. You’ll also need to know the specifications and limitations of your own aircraft, not just for practical reasons including safety and emergency procedures, but also for when you come to write your Operations Manual.
8. Operating Procedures
Everything from flight planning, site surveys, risk assessments to pre and post flights checks and emergency procedures. Although these things can sound daunting, they will boost your confidence no end when you know how to do things properly and safely.
9. Practical Flight Test & Application of Knowledge
Demonstrating your capabilities to plan a flight from scratch. You will plan your flight, complete the pre-flight checks and checks sheets, gain permission to fly from CAAT or local airfields then demonstrate your flying skills by performing practical flight manoeuvres and scenarios.
These tests will take place at our Training Centres in Sri Racha or Songkhla with more places to be rolled in the future.
We will send you details of the practical flight test requirements so that you can practice when we receive your full fees for Part 1 & Part 2